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CMSS Celebrates Healthcare Foodservice Workers Week

Join us in celebrating #HealthcareFoodserviceWorkersWeek, October 3-9, 2021

This year’s theme is “Healthcare Foodservice: Teamwork is our Secret Recipe.” This week is set aside annually to honor healthcare food and nutrition professionals.  The food services department plays an integral part in our healthcare staff and is constantly evolving to find ways to make our residents well-nourished and healthy. CMSS would like to thank and recognize our entire team for all that they do! We appreciate their hard work and dedication and recognize everything they do for our residence, their families, and our staff.

For Healthcare Foodservice Workers Week, we interviewed three special team members Willie Henderson, Carlos Tadiar, and Philip Ong from our Food Services Department.

How long have you worked at CMSS?

Chef Willie: It has been 36 years, and when I found myself working in food service, I felt right at home. I learned to cook from my mama and papa. I have always loved to cook.

Chef Philip: 25 years, it was the Methodist Home when I started in 1995. I started out as a dishwasher and delivery person. Today, I am the evening cook. Over the years, I have met a lot of people who have had an everlasting and promising impression on me.

Chef Carlos: 14 years. I started out as a dishwasher and cook, then as a chef manager, and have recently been promoted to Assistant Director of Dining Services. I oversee the day-to-day dining operations at Wesley Place and Hartwell Place. I was recently promoted and am thrilled to have the opportunity to learn the ins and outs of skilled nursing.

Dining Services Team

What is your favorite part of your job?

Chef Willie: I take great pride in my work. I feel like the residents need me. I have built relationships with residents through the food I prepare and work hard to create dishes they enjoy. After so many years working with older adults, I am no stranger to residents’ changing appetites and food preferences. Once I see something they don’t like, I change it.  The residents like pasta and chicken dishes, especially my mostaccioli. They also love sweets like cookies and ice cream.

Chef Philip: There is nothing better than the bond made with the residents through food. It is so rewarding to put a smile on someone’s face with a tasty, and nutrient-dense meal.

Chef Carlos: My favorite part of my job is collaborating with staff and interacting with our residents. Both provide me the opportunity to learn.  In the kitchen, it is very important to connect and exchange ideas with others.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

Chef Willie: When I am not cooking at Hartwell, you can find me BBQing at my favorite local community spots.

Chef Philip: One of my favorite things to do is explore the outstanding restaurants in Chicago. I am grateful to be able to enjoy a variety of extraordinary dining experiences.

Chef Carlos: When I am not working, you can find me working on my car and attending car shows.  I am proud to share that in the last show I entered, I finished in the top 25.

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